So you are keen to drop some pounds and you are wondering how to lose weight fast. To be honest, weight loss can be simple – but it is not always easy. Use these tips to guide you on how to lose weight fast!
RELATED POST: Effortless rapid weight loss with KETO
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How to lose weight fast tip: Know Your Why
The most important thing you can do when you want to lose weight is to know your why. Your why is what gets you out of bed in the morning.
What makes you motivated to want to lose weight?
Some examples might be:
- boost your self esteem
- fit into a new dress
- special event such as a wedding
- increase fertility and have a baby
- gain better health
There are many reasons why you may want to lose weight, you will know why you are here reading this.
Whatever your why is – don’t forget it. Write it down, put it somewhere you will remind yourself of it.
This why is the anchor that will keep you grounded in the tough times.
How to lose weight fast tip: Keep your focus
Your first few days will be much easier on your weight loss journey. This is because your focus is so strong.
You know exactly what you need to do and why. You are likely to be well planned and know what you will make for each meal over the first few days.
This focus is very important. You need to keep this focus going every single day.
The key to your focus in the planning. Knowing what you will eat each day, having your foods planned out, and having a clear focus of what needs done.
The planning is very important.
Using Planning to Lose Weight
You can choose to plan day by day, weekly, or for a fortnight. I personally find daily is great.
I first plan my week out for meals, then every night I plan what my next day would look like.
This keeps me very focused.
I’ve also recently discovered that Amazon has a Prime Pantry Service. This Prime Pantry Service allows your groceries and household products to be delivered to your house.
They provide low prices and deals/coupons. Very, very handy for us busy folk!
Some of you may get free shipping which is a huge bonus!
They also have Amazon Fresh which allows you to order all your fresh foods – including meat and vegetables! An amazing service, delivered to your door.
I order my food online and it saves me a lot of time! It also allows me to track my shopping cart so I stay within my budget.
Grab our free printable meal planning sheet here:
How to lose weight fast tip: Mindset
The mind is extremely powerful. Probably more powerful that we may ever realize.
Your mindset is the way that you perceive your reality – despite if it is an accurate picture of actual reality or not!
If you believe you can succeed and lose weight, then you will.
If you believe that it is all too hard and will never happen, then you won’t. It’s as simple as that.
Believe in yourself. Tell yourself that it is possible. Encourage yourself by saying positive statements to yourself.
You can lose weight, believe this!
How to lose weight fast tip: Trust your gut
Your inner intuition or your gut, always knows best. You need to learn to trust your gut. What I mean by this, is that you know intuitively what works best for your body.
There are many, many diets out there and everybody claims that their diet is the best. They probably truly believe this, because it will have worked for them.
However, everybody’s body is different. What works for one person may not work for your body in the same way.
You need to listen to your own body to know what works best for you, let your body guide you in your weight loss.
How to lose weight fast tip: Be kind
If you were told to be kind to others, this would make so much sense to you. Of course you want to be kind and understanding towards others.
So why is it that we can be kind to others, but when it comes to being kind to ourselves, we really struggle?
We are our own worst enemy. We are such a harsh judge to our own thoughts and actions.
My challenge to you is to be as kind to yourself as you would your best friend. If you slip up or eat something you shouldn’t have or didn’t get out of bed for your morning walk, please be kind.
Yes, always strive for excellence and the best version of you, but be kind.
Being kind does not mean making excuses. It is about acknowledging the action you chose, then making a positive plan moving forward.
How to lose weight fast tip: Exercise
There are two types of people when it comes to exercise. Ones that love it, and those who don’t. If you love exercise – go for it!
If you are someone who does not especially like exercise, I’d highly recommend trying:
- yoga
- walking
- take a picnic to a park and play ball, frisbee etc
- swimming
- trampolining
- skipping with a rope
- gardening
- join a social sports team
- boxing
Think outside the box rather than going for a speed walk or ‘running’
How to lose weight fast tip: Fat!
I know right?! Fat is actually your friend! You need to up your intake of fat in your diet.
There are two things that give us energy and fullness – Sugar (from carbs and sugary items) and Fat.
Clearly you do not want to be eating sugar as that is most likely how you gained your weight in the first place!
Fats are the key, they are what helps you feel full and satisfied. Find out more around healthy fats.
How to lose weight fast tip: Keep Busy
A board mind, is a hungry mind. A busy mind ensures you do not head over to the cupboards every five minutes seeking something sugary to eat.
Keeping busy is easier than you think:
- Join a club
- Read new recipe ideas
- Start a new sport (this will help with exercise)
- Learn a new skill
- Spend more time with your family
- Sort your garden!
The ideas are actually endless – the more active, the better as this will support your weight loss.
When it comes to how to lose weight fast, these are the key ways you can ensure that you will lose weight fast!
Recap of Tips:
- know your why
- focus
- mindset
- go with what makes sense to you – let your body guide you
- be kind to yourself
- exercise
- fat
- keep busy – busy mind isn’t a hungry mind!
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